We have a circle of people all over the world who spend 10 minutes each Sunday in private prayer wherever they find themselves.
La Verna send each Saturday morning/afternoon requests that have been sent to us for prayer and these are added to our list of prayer intentions within the community.
After knowing the power of prayer we have now a number of people who choose to join us with these intentions throughout the world. We believe that the more prayer that is offered the more energy and comfort it brings to those individuals requesting prayer.
So if you wish to join our circle of prayer there are a number of conditions:
1. You must give 10 minutes each Sunday the time at your own choosing and commit to this time each week where you will not be disturbed by phones or computers
2. Send in your email address and ask to be added to the circle.
Yes that’s all it takes…………..why not give 10 minutes to people you’ve never met or heard of but who need your prayer.
Just email us saying to want to join our circle of prayer.
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